One of the questions that I receive a lot is ‘what do I do when I feel uninspired?’ Or ‘what do I do when I’m just not feeling creative anymore?’ It’s a fresh new reality for many of us. Many polymer clay enthusiasts have left polymer clay (even briefly) to pursue other art interests for a variety of reasons during the pandemic. Let me be the first one to tell you (in case no one else has) – it’s okay, you’re allowed to do that and NO you’re not ‘cheating’ on polymer! Today we’re going to tackle this issue for just a moment.
First, let me tell you that few of us (unless your Christi Friesen) breathe art from our fingertips all day long. Oh what we all wouldn’t give to be just like her! However, most of us have so many other things going on that just aren’t going to happen. We have priorities in our day and so many other things to do with our time that sitting down at the clay table to create just doesn’t seem to make it to the top of the list, does it? So that in and of itself begins a spiral effect. Because we haven’t created the time and the space to do so, our creativity begins to wane. We begin to lose interest. In fact, we begin to pick up interests in other areas thinking ‘golly, that looks like fun’ because we forget how fun our other hobby (polymer clay) truly is because we feel we’ve lost our creativity. Sometimes that deviation into a new foray helps us gain it back. Sometimes though, all it does is waste our precious dollars on a different hobby that we might not enjoy or love. So what gives? Maybe what we’re missing isn’t actually creativity, but time and inspiration.
Problem Areas
First, you need to define your problem areas. Why is it that your creativity is waning? Is it time? We’ll talk about that below? Is it inspiration? We’ll talk about that below and we’ve talked about that before. Or is it something else? Maybe it’s just not feeling creative because of what’s going on in the world? Maybe with all the hardships in the world, it’s hard to feel like ‘creating.’ Flip that perspective. With all that’s going on in the world, that world needs art! It needs your color, your joy, your heartfelt creations to make people smile! Don’t stop creating because you don’t feel it’s appropriate.
Many people are citing the claydemic for their recent creative woes. But at some point, we need to man and woman up! There are plenty of types and brands of polymer clay out there that are not facing a shortage and are plenty in supply. Maybe your favorite brand has let you down and is not producing the way that you’d like. Take this opportunity to try out other new brands like Papa’s Clay, COSClay, or older and reliable brands like Cernit, Kato & even Fimo again. Maybe you’ve previously thought that those brands weren’t for sculpting. You’d be surprised what you gravitate to and find you like when it comes down to it.
Making the Time
There’s a funny thing about time, if you don’t plan it well, it will run away from you and you will truly lose it or get lost in it. An ordered day to the best of your ability will leave you feeling more accomplished, successful, and satisfied. Why? Because whenever you call your day ‘done’ you will feel like you’ve achieved something, instead of feeling like you’ve been running a rat race for the entire day. It doesn’t mean that you haven’t … it just means that you’ve planned and ordered it well. Will things happen to change that? Absolutely! Should you stress about it? No … because changes in plans and schedules happen to everyone. Learn to ‘go with the flow’ and be adaptable. If we’ve learned one thing coming out of the pandemic, it should be that!
So the first thing is first: MAKE THE TIME to actually sit down at your studio, clay table, or dedicated craft space. Make a date with yourself to do this and don’t break it. Get yourself a coffee warmer, if you like hot beverages, and make yourself a hot cup of coffee or tea. Plan to be there for at least 1 hour. Give yourself at least an hour, no less. This is your time, your day, your creativity date. Plan to do the following:
- Get our your favorite colors
- Make a coordinated color palette
- Make & / design your favorite thing
- Hearts, Angels, Ornaments, Kitties, etc.
- Make whatever comes naturally and easiest for you.
- If you get inspired keep going past your hour if you have the time in your day to do so. If not, STOP and allow yourself to pick up later.
- Get our your favorite colors
- Make a coordinated color palette
- Make & / design your favorite thing
- Hearts, Angels, Ornaments, Kitties, etc.
- Make whatever comes naturally and easiest for you.
- If you get inspired keep going past your hour if you have the time in your day to do so. If not, STOP and allow yourself to pick up later.
- Keep in mind that we are trying to work within time limits and planning our days … so work within what you’ve allowed yourself, for now.
Studio Immersion
Over the years I have learned a technique that I call “studio immersion” and while my studio has changed since I filmed this video, my thoughts and technique of how to do this have not. This often works for me when everything else has seemed to fail. So I hope this video will help you in your creative endeavors as well.
I hope that some of this has helped to inspire your creativity today. Leave you comments below and as always,
Thank you for being a part of the Kater’s Acres Family, Sculpting Blessings,
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